老師平日非常看電影跟上youtube網站,觀看世界各地的網友分享他們的無限創意;這篇是有點「累歌」的youtube 2006 video awards各個獎項得主。其中 郭 老師最有感觸的便是「Free Hugs Campaign(免費擁抱)」,喜歡到甚至將它改編成英語話劇,在「96學年度台北市高中職英文情境會話比賽」中在 郭 老師為多所學校同時指導編寫的三個劇本裏--30多所學校、60幾個劇本的激烈競爭中榮獲第三名,其他兩個劇本分別是第二跟第四名(謎之音:根本就是 郭 老師自己打自己 )。除了Free hugs得到 "most inspirational(最振奮人心獎)" ,其它各個獎項得主也都非常值得一看喔!Plz enjoy them all!


2006 was a pioneering year for online video, user-created content and the YouTube community. You let us into your bedrooms, created new forms of entertainment, and radicalized popular culture. Now it's time to reflect on what a tremendous year it was and recognize the best of the best during the first YouTube Video Awards.









After five days of fervent ranking, the YouTube community selected these seven videos as the champions. Congratulations to all the winners!

Copyright © 2007 YouTube, Inc.



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