杜拜即將興建「綠」摩天大樓 Burj al-Taqa
Dubai Burj al-Taqa skyscraper to generate all its own energy
Posted May 14th 2007 8:16AM by Conrad Quilty-Harper
Filed under: Household
A skyscraper in Dubai is being designed so that it generates all of its energy through renewable means such as wind turbines and solar panels. On top of the tower will be a 200 foot turbine that harnesses the power of the wind, and an array of solar panels on the roof and a series of islands that stretches over 161,459 square feet. The tower will also feature a massive solar shield to protect it from the sun, and vacuum glazed glass that will reduce the amount of heat absorbed from the extreme temperatures (up to 50 degrees C / 122 degrees F), presumably meaning less reliance on traditional air conditioning. Talking of air conditioning, the main system for cooling the air inside the tower uses a convection system which pulls in cold air at the ground level, and sucks it up out of the top of the tower. The air conditioning will use seawater, and underground cooling units lower the temperature inside to 18 degrees C / 64.4 degrees F. This building may be a technological beacon for environmentally friendly skyscrapers, but as a commenter on metaefficient points out, new building designs don't do much to solve the inefficiency of older buildings in cities. Although that doesn't mean we can't imagine what it'd be like to work and live in a sea of glass and metal without feeling slightly bad about it.
[Via Metaefficient]
[Via Metaefficient]
Tags: Burj al-Taqa, BurjAl-taqa, Dubai, efficiency, Energy, Tower
杜拜即將興建「綠」摩天大樓 Burj al-Taqa
Posted May 15th 2007 9:28AM by Atticus Wu
分類: 家電
杜拜即將興建一棟「綠」摩天大樓 Burj al-Taqa,透過在大樓樓頂設置一座直徑將近 200 呎的風力發電機,及在屋頂周圍裝置 161,459 平方英尺的太陽能面板,使得整棟建築物能夠自行供給能源,不需額外提供電力。
由於室外溫度最高可達攝氏 50 度,整棟建築物也將裝設大型遮陽板及真空玻璃,以便降低建築物本身所吸收的熱能,此外,大樓內部的空調系統利用對流原理,先吸入靠近地面的冷空氣,利用海水及位於地下室的降溫裝置將溫度降至攝氏 18 度後,再傳導至樓頂,冷卻過的海水也能藉由預留的管線流通於各樓層間,降低各樓層的溫度,如此環保的設計,讓將來住在裡面的有錢人,也算是為環保盡一份心力吧!
[出自 Metaefficient]
[翻譯:Judy Yen]