080907全台第一場New TOEIC Writing/Speaking
New TOEIC writing
Q8: Essay
What is the most important quality a person who works with children should have?
Q7: 回覆email
Fitness center主管發信要請大家想3 strategies
來吸引bizness people成為會員, 請你想3 strategies.
Q6: 回覆email
Refrigerator廠商 寫信問顧客售後服務意見:
1. experience with the kitchen appliance and with our service staff
2. give two ideas and ask one Q
P5: The man was (read)ing at a beach (while) his gf was looking for him
on the street.
P4: The man is (adjust)ing the placement of the ladder
because he wants it against the (wall) firmly.
P3: The passengers are (wait)ing at the terminal station patiently (together).
P2: There are (many) different kinds of plants in the (park).
P1: The woman is (point)ing at a (map).
New TOEIC Speaking:
Q11: Would you pay with cash or with a credit card and why?
Q10: 看一張hotel早餐預訂單, 客人打電話過來確認這張單
問了1. 確認時間跟價錢 2. beverage可否換成orange juice
3. 主餐還有哪些? 5樣(oatmeal)
Q6: picture description: 一個海灘圖 有人在海灘邊漫步/日光浴/
背景有小山丘 前景有couple背對散步
Q3&4&5 問了有關dvd rental的連續題組
15秒 – 60秒
Q1&2: 朗讀: 只有Neville及Denise Yamada 這兩個名稱較難念。
2. ☆9/16及10月中多益滿分軍團班-周間周末班熱情招生中☆
更多機經考題 就留給最認真的 多益滿分軍團班的同學們啦!
跟 郭易 老師一起努力朝英文滿分 幸福也滿分的目標邁進\^o^/