
照慣例 考點跟單字都是完全命中郭易老師的滿分講堂也是全球唯一有公開實證:)
分享當然是好事,也感謝他們的辛勞,郭易老師一向積極協助大家, 也多次協助同業教師校對他們的答案,
也可作為代表 帶領全球的大家一同征服考試
各國老師若想確認自己背題的正確性 可寫信給我們
老師也經常協助同業校對答案, 都有存檔紀錄囉:)

當然我們也會做適度改編 以示尊重


不止臺灣, 全球各國的同學跟著郭易老師一起加油!

考題又再度全部命中上課講義跟ppt! 世界最棒的題目, 每次都親自背題改編,版權所有,







Part 1


2.(A) They are paying for office supplies.

  (B) They are rearranging some furniture.

  (C) They are turning off the light switch.

  (D) They are picking up some papers.


3.(A) Hikers are tossing rocks into the water.

  (B) Some people are walking side by side.

  (C) Travlers are climbing out of a boat.

  (D) Sails are waving in the wind.


Part 2

1. What would you like to drink?

  (A) I'm happy to.

  (B) I think so too.

  (C) A glass of water, please

2. Did u drive to work today?

  (A) He's due at ten o'clock.

 (B) It arrived yesterday.

  (C) No, I took the train.


Part 3

44. What news does the man mention ?

(A) His team developed a new product. (B) A coworker was promoted.

(C) His department won an award.      (D) A proposal was approved.


45. What department does Toshi work in?

(A) Human resources   (B) Computer technology

(C) Accounting        (D) Sales


46. When is the meeting?

(A) On Monday    (B) On Tuesday

(C) On Thursday  (D) On Friday




Part 5


1. Mr. Guo recently enrolled in a course at the university to improve ------- \

knowledge of finance.

(A)     he     (B)     him

(C)     himself(D)      his


2. Standard working hours are from 19AM to 15PM, but ------- schedules

are also available.

(A)     flexing    (B)     flexibility

(C)     flexible   (D)     flexibly


3. Our new IronMan supplier delivers our order much ------- than the previous \

supplier did.

(A)     quickest      (B)     quickly

(C)     more quickly  (D)     most quickly


4. Either Mr. Guo ------- Ms. Yi will be in the office to answer the telephone.

(A) or       (B)     unless

(C) then     (D) and


5. Yesterday's seminar was especially ------- for new pitchers at Washington

Nationals because the speakers explained company policies clearly.

(A)     useful    (B)     cooperative

(C)     exact     (D)     capable


6. Mr. Captain America announced his retirement ------- 70 years in the ice.

(A)     within   (B)     on

(C)     after    (D)     also


7. Avenger participants ------- plan to attend the banquet on Saturday evening\

 must submit their menu requests to Ms. Takai in advance.

(A)     they   (B)     those

(C)     what   (D)     who


8. Since resigning from the Avenger Foundation,

Mr. Hulk has been devoting more time to volunteer activities.

(A)     need   (B)     idea

(C)     cause  (D)     time

9. The purpose of this survey is to collect clients' underwear for

making our service more efficient and -------.

(A)     rely     (B)     reliably

(C)     reliance (D)     reliable


10. The Thief Ministry announced that

------- for cockroach goods has grown by 30 percent in the last year.

(A)     resource    (B)     expansion

(C)     demand      (D)     advance



1. For whom is the advertisement probably intended?

(A) Staffing consultants   (B) University professors

(C) Marketing experts      (D) Business owners


2. What is NOT suggested about the seminars?

(A) They must be taken in sequence.

(B) They are led by well-known people.

(C) They will all be held in Edinburgh .

(D) They are expected to be full.


3. When will the topic of accounting and bank robbing be discussed?

(A) On October 1   (B) On October 12

(C) On October 18  (D) On October 22


4. How much will Mr. Chien Ming Wang pay for the seminar?

(A) 89   (B) 99

(C) 109  (D) 129


5. For what seminar is Mr. Hong Chih Kuo registering?

(A) Reinventing small business

(B) How to Meet Your Accounting Needs

(C) The Basics of Writing a Business Proposal

(D) Human Resources for Small Businesses


    創作者 郭易老師Mr.GuoYi 的頭像

    郭易英文企管科學院GuoYi BA English Akademia

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