就知道 中高級複試就相當有難度 不少TOEIC 800以上甚至900的同學也在這個階段鍛羽而歸
建議大家先不要看答案, 看完題目後計時思考90秒, 再計時並錄音講90秒
What does “All roads lead to Rome” mean?
When will you hear this? (90)
先祝大家都通過中高級 下個目標 就是高級啦!
All roads lead to rome.(條條大路通羅馬)可比喻為採用許多不同的方法辦事,都可以收到同樣的效果,與成語殊途同歸,或俗話水流千里歸大海相似
(以下已有到100秒水準 可斟酌看個人狀況修改)
Three parts:
1. Definition(20):
Actually, it means that(停一拍)there are various ways to reach a certain goal; for example, if you want to go to work, you can take the MRT or drive a car. Whichever method we use does not matter; as long as it gets things done, we don't have to stick to one way only.
2. Extension(55)
This philosophy is used especially for encouragement; For instance, your friend is having a hard time working on a difficult math question. And then you can tell him, “My friend, all roads lead to Rome. You don't have to work on it alone. Why don't we ask someone else on the Internet? I know of some math education websites where people are willing to answer others’ math questions for free! Or, I can call my senior high school math teacher, who is always patient and knowledgeable. I’m sure he will gladly help us. I hate to see you work on it alone and look so frustrated. The point is to get it done as fast as possible. And(停一拍), I am always here for you
3. Conclusion(15):
To conclude, from my perspective, the sentence suggests when facing different challenges, we should never give up halfway and should try different possibilities because if we give up easily, we will never enjoy the fruits of our labors.