以下是托福考試(Test of English as Foreign Language) 排名前Top 100Words,看看自己能非常熟練認出多少單詞。
abyssà hole so deep as to appear bottomless
acquiesceà agree, accept without protest
affableà polite and friendly, easy to talk to
afflictionà distress, suffering
affluentà wealthy, abundant
agitateà move, shake, stir up
ambiguousà shavings more than one meaning
annexà take possession of
aqueousà of or like water
arduousà demanding great effort, strenuous
aromaà quality or surrounding atmosphere
considered typical
atoneà make repayment
avariceà greed
bellicoseà inclined to fighting
calisthenicsà exercises to develop strong bodies
captorà person who takes smb captive
concoctà invent, prepare by mixing together
dangleà hand or swing loosely
depriveà take away from, prevent from using
diligentà hard-working
disrobeà undress
docileà easily trained or controlled
dolefulà dismal, mourful
droughtà a long period of dry weather
dubiousà feeling doubt
dumbfoundà astonish
effaceà rub or wipe out, obliterate
elucidateà to make understandable
enchantà charm, delight
endeavorà to make an effort, to try very hard
endorseà approve, support a claim or statement
enthrallà take the whole attention, enslave
exploità to use for selfish advantage or profit
extensiveà far-reaching
extolà to praise highly
flimsyà lacking solidarity, strength
fraudà a fault, a deception
gaudyà too bright and showy
ghastlyà death-like, pale and ill
grumbleà to complain
harassà worry, trouble
hereticà very busy; active
impedimentà smth that hinders (esp in speech)
indigenousà native
insatiateà never satisfied
intrepidà fearless
irateà angry
jeopardyà danger
leashà control
loaferà an idle, lazy person
lucrativeà profitable
lustrousà bright; shining
malignà to slander
meddleà to interfere, to intrude
mendà to repair
mirthà being merry and happy
nauseaà feeling of sickness
neglectà pay no attention to
nocturnalà of or in the night
obeseà very fat
obsoleteà no longer useful, outdated
perchà take up a high position
pervadeà spread through every part of
petulantà unreasonably impatient or irritable
pillageà plunder (esp in war)
presumptuousà too bold or self-confident
quashedà annuled
quenchingà satisfy, put an end to, put out
refurbishedà make clean, as if like new
rejoicingà happiness, joy
reticentà in the habit of saying little
reverberateà be sent back, again and again
rigorà sternness, strictness, severe conditions
rotundityà state of being round
salvageà the saving of property from loss
scatteredà not situated together
shatterà to breaksintosmany pieces
shunnedà avoided, kept away from
sketchyà shortly, roughly, quickly
sporadicà happening from time to time
stifledà suppressed, kept back
striveà to make great efforts, to struggle
subsequentà following
succumbà yield, die
taciturnà unspoken, silent
tantalizeà raise hopes that cannot be realized
tentativeà uncertain, probable
torpidà dull and slow
treacherousà not to be trusted, perfidious
tremorà thrill
tyroà a beginner
uproarà noise and excitement
vanityà a foolish pride
vehemenceà forcefulness; intensity; conviction
vigilanceà watchfulness
vindicateà prove the truth
voluptuousà arousing sensual pleasures
wanà looking ill, not bright
wileà a trick
wrinkleà make small lines (eg forehead)