照慣例 考點跟單字都是完全命中郭易老師的滿分講堂也可實證:)
分享當然是好事,也感謝他們的辛勞,郭易老一向積極協助大家, 也多次協助同業教師校對他們的答案, 也希望可作為代表 帶領全球的大家一同征服考試
各國老師若想確認自己背題的正確性 可寫信給我們
老師也經常樂意跟榮幸協助同業老師校對答案, 都有存檔紀錄囉:)
當然我們也會做適度改編 以示尊重
不止臺灣, 全球各國的同學跟著郭易老師一起加油!
考題又再度全部命中上課講義跟ppt! 世界最棒的題目, 每次都親自背題改編,版權所有,
Listening Part 1 1. (A) She's reading a magazine (B) She's piling books on the floor (C) She's entering a library. (D) She's reaching for a book. 2. (A) She's cleaning up her work area. (B) She's having a telephone conversation. (C) She's taking a drink from her cup. (D) She's filing a card in a folder. Part 2 11. Are you going to Ms. Chan's party on Sat? (A) It was really fun. (B) About 15 people. (C) Yes, I'll be there. 12. Would you like a cup of tea or coffee? (沒有or me!) (A) Tea sounds lovely. (B) He's wearing a tie. (C) She's likely to go. ================================================== Reading All ------- for catalogs must be made though the customer service office. (A) request (B) requests (C) requested (D) to request It is unlikely that Mr. HongChi Kuo will be able to complete the project by Fruday unless he receives assitance from ------- colleagues. (A) he (B) himself (C) his (D) him During the interview, the actress GuoYi talked ------- about her role in an upcoming play. (A) excite (B) exciting (C) excitedly (D) excitement While in the lib, you may talk to ------- others, but please try not to disturb those who are working, (A) quiet (B) quietly (C) quietest (D) quieter The airline agreed to ------- the customer's suitcase after it was lost. (A) admit (B) observe (C) invent (D) replace The Sanstein Museum canceled its summer ------- on the history of chocolate to accommodate the new renovation schedule. (A) exhibition (B) exhibitive (C) exhibited (D) exhibiting More... ================================= Qs141-143 refer to the following letter ================================= It is my pleasure to ------- you that starting on the first of next month, 141. (A)inform (B) infomring (C) be informed (D) be informative HongChi Kuo will be the Realhouse Management representative in your area. For the last six years, Mr. Guo has been helping our clients purchase land and homes in the Melbourne area. She is extremely ------- and we welcome her to our senior office. 142. (A) represented (B) probable (C) perceived (D) knowledgable If you are interested in purchasing some -------, 143. (A) material (B) equipment (C) property (D) replaceme\ nts please contact Mr. Kuo at hongchikuo@dodgers.com Sincerely, K-U-ALL Regional Director 延伸閱讀:
1.◎免費試聽所有滿分課程 ◎當天試聽報名者單人就享二人團報價!