1. 均為2012七月開始
2.  選擇提交分數的方式改變
3. 考試間隔的時間改變
(本來間隔60天才可考下一次 現在只要30天)
4. 一年內可考試的次數改變


Introducing the New ScoreSelectSM Option

It just got easier to start your future now with the GRE® revised General Test
Getting an advanced degree can open the door to a world of opportunities. And the GRE® revised General Test — the most widely accepted admissions test for graduate and business school — can help you get there. It features a test-taker friendly design, which gives you the flexibility to use more of your own personal test-taking style and strategies. Plus, it's the one test accepted by thousands of graduate and business schools worldwide.

And, there's more great news. Beginning in July 2012, the new ScoreSelectSM option lets you decide which GRE scores to send to the institutions you designate. Now you can approach test day with more confidence knowing you can send the scores that you feel reflect your personal best.

Here's how it works:

On test day, when viewing your scores at the test center*, you can select the:

ScoreSelect Most Recent option — Send your scores from your current test
administration (FREE).
ScoreSelect All option — Send your scores from all administrations in the last
five years (FREE).
You can decide which option to use for each of your four free score reports.

After test day, you can send Additional Score Reports for a fee by selecting from the following:

ScoreSelect Most Recent option — Send your scores from your most recent test administration.
ScoreSelect All option — Send your scores from all administrations in the last five years.
ScoreSelect Any option — Send your scores from one OR many test administrations in the last five years.
Scores for a test administration must be reported in their entirety. Regardless of whether you choose the Most Recent, All or Any option, you will select specific test administration dates so your scores are all from the same testing session. Institutions will receive score reports that show only the scores that you selected to send to them. There will be no special indication if you have taken additional GRE tests.

More information about the new ScoreSelect option will be included in the 2012–13 GRE Information and Registration Bulletin, which will be available in June 2012.

ScoreSelect option availability
The new ScoreSelect option will be available, starting in July 2012, for both the GRE revised General Test and GRE Subject Tests, and can be used by anyone with reportable scores from the last five years.

Important: If you are thinking about taking a GRE test in July 2012, be sure to return to this page in early June for the specific ScoreSelect July start date. If you designate score recipients or order Additional Score Reports prior to the introduction of the ScoreSelect option, score reporting will be cumulative. All scores you have earned during the last five years will be reported to each score recipient you designate.

Getting ready
Just knowing you have the option to decide which GRE scores to send to institutions should give you added confidence the first time you take the test. However, if you decide you want to take a GRE test again, that's okay. You can do so once every 30 days**, depending on test center availability.

To help you do your best on test day, you can start getting ready with free and low-cost test preparation materials for the GRE revised General Test and the GRE Subject Tests — from ETS, the makers of the GRE tests.

More good news! New and expanded test preparation materials for the GRE revised General Test will be available starting in July 2012! To learn more about them — and hear when they are released — sign up for important test-taker news and updates about the GRE revised General Test.

*If you are taking the paper-based GRE revised General Test or a GRE Subject Test, you will select your options prior to test day.

**Effective July 1, 2012, you can take the GRE revised General Test — computer-based and paper-based — once every 30 days, and no more than five times within any continuous rolling 12-month period. If you take only the paper-based GRE revised General Test or GRE Subject Tests, you may do so as often as they are offered. See Retaking the GRE revised General Test for more information.   

    創作者 郭易老師Mr.GuoYi 的頭像

    郭易英文企管科學院GuoYi BA English Akademia

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