《誰是接班人The Apprentice》影集




超犀利的面試問題, 你認為你能回答得多好?

第一季[Season One]

1. You’re pretty familiar with the organization right now.
   And I like to hear your description of the organization.

2. What are your gonna do when you’re managing a construction    
   schedule, and some grizzly, old contractor just says,

“Lady, you don’t know what you’re talking about” ?

川普是做房地產家的 正在質詢面試者相關問題

3. What are you gonna bring to the table other than your charisma?

4. What’s gonna make me want to say, “Hey, this is the guy I want to   

work with” ?

5. What do you do on day one?

6. Nick答:自介,並說明對該企業之願景。
再問:And you’ll be able to do that on day one,

               without even knowing the first thing about this entity?

7. Would you have a problem hiring women yourself?

8. Do you consider yourself a loyal employee?

9. What do you thing their perception is of why you’re here?

10. Thank you for your time.




  第二季(Season two)

1. You went to under graduate University of Pennsylvania ? Now you’re     

in law school? Don’t you want to become a lawyer?


2. You’ve done four or five start-ups in how long a period? So does that mean you have trouble staying with something or?

3. JENNIFER tell me the biggest obstacle you’ve had to overcome in your life to get this far?

4. That’s too general give me something specific.

5. Why do you want this job?

6. Have you ever had any experience in a corporate environment   

7. Right now you’re ur own boss right? You won’t be if u work at Trump.

8. Safer job? Why do you say safer? You’re not gonna fire yourself.

9. What would you say are your weaknesses?

10. Excluding yourself, which one of three remaining candidates    
    would you choose to be the apprentice?

11. Have you ever let yourself down?

12. As a leader would you rather be feared or liked?

13. What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do in your life?

14. How’s that gonna help you with the Trump organization?

15. Have you fired someone?

16. Do you thing this is your last stop?

17. Have you ever embellished the truth?

18. Is that really what you want?

19. Where would you like to be in ten years?

20. Do you know what you want to do?

大家回答的如何呢, 跟郭易老師一起加油!


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